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    ":"LOGIX Intel i5-10400F 6 Core 12 Threads, 2.90GHz (4.30GHz Boost), 16GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB NVMe M.2, 80 Cert PSU, GTX1650 4GB Graphics, Windows 11 home installed + FREE Keyboard & Mouse – Prebuilt System – Full 3-Year Parts & Collection WantyP. cessors"e>
    IX Int 6 Coi5 i5-1040s, .30G0F 6 CoLGAth2 1F 6 < Lake P. cessor,ore 12 Threadz (.30GHz Bo,oreMBGIX IntSv){t CawieP. cessorF 6 Css"e>
    6P. cessorF12 Thres"e>
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    z (4.30Memorys"e>
    Team ELITEt), 16No Heats Vofaegsize:2V
    "atoncy TimaddinCL22
    cp; Frge:66M30
    1 128 16GIMMiMemorys"pip

    MemoryF 6 figfigurats"e>
    1 12p, 1
    s Lanesd(1 occupied)s"pip

    SSD Dr, s"e>
    Team MP33AM, 1Me PCIE1TB E SSD
    IX Irntcs: PCIe 3.0 x4 C,"croller: P! Tcti5008
    Max DOMR/WreSy
    cequontial DOMR (ATTO)ize7 1MB/s
    cequontial DOMR (CDM)ize5 1MB/s
    cequontial WreSy (ATTO)iz781MB/s
    cequontial WreSy (CDM)iz771MB/s<"pip

    F .fats"e>
    Gen3 x4 TB NV1.3<"pip

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    WreSy: Us up 781MB/S<"pip

    HyboaDr, s"e>
    No Addicaptal Dr, Fitt Fs"pip

    OpvertiaDr, s"e>
    No OpvertiaDr, Fitt Fs"pip

    GB Graphs"e>
    C, CoClm Ls:oHz Boo1620M30
    CUDAF 6 Cs: 896
    MemoryFcp; Frg12Gbps
    Memory;650 4GGB 6
    Max Digital DOocksolutiz7680×432
    Max!mem Di{disps: 3s"pip

    GB Graphdo: C I/Os"e>
    Di{dispPupp 12p(v1.4a)
    HDMI 12p(Sn.suppo 4K@6030Gal specifiuirin HDMI 2.0b)
    DL-DVI-D 12ps"pip

    Opect-rngilt Syss"e>
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    No : C R Networkrngs"e>
    Gigabit Ethernet Chipd(1 Gbps/1 1FMbps)s"pip

    Power Sn.slys"e>
    CRONUS 5 1ATV FX PRO 5 1Wert PS140mmoSilont Cs-leadiFanM.2, PLUS Bronze,6Non38;dular,oFlat B--bl :bles
    1 1220+4 Pin Mont
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    6 12SATA
    s 124-Pin Molex
    s 126+2 Pin PCI-oM:rh/rKeybos"e>
    GigabySyoH410Mil2H V2 M:rh/rKeybo,GIX IntSm Let h2 1PS10E"pntsectiSlots"e>
    1 12PCI E"p Css x16 sloo,orunneadiat x16
    1 12PCI E"p Css x1 sloos"pip

    1 12Me ck nollor (Sm Let 3, M kep, e" t 2242/2260/222, PCIe x4)
    4 12SATA 6Gb/s ck nollors<"pip

    1 12PS/2 ee-keybo supp
    1 12PS/2 rd-mo supp
    1 12D-Sub supp
    1 12DVI-D supp
    1 12HDMI supp
    s 12USB 3.2 Gen 1 supps
    4 12USB 2.0/1.1 supps
    1 12RJ-45 supp
    3 x audio j-bls<"pip

    IX Irtal I/Os"e>
    1 1224ale- ATX montapower ck nollor
    1 128ale- ATX 12Vapower ck nollor
    4 12SATA 6Gb/s ck nollors
    1 12CPUofan 1 12lt-sysofan 1 12R0 4LED st/sc 1 12jrOMC de pan 1 12jrOMC de panaudio 1 12USB 3.2 Gen 1 1 12USB 2.0/1.1 1 12TrustallPlatce fo8;dule 1 12lerial supp 1 12Cl3-YeCMOS julTeq h'clahs"e>
    ANTEC AX20 Case,6B--bl, Mid TowerPS1 12USB 3.0 / 2 12USB 2.0, TrlTequirG" cl S!bo s, Win Pe pa,tSlantallB-Yerd &ebl D,"igt for M'clave Ai?flow, 3 12R0 4LED Fanl Includ Fs"pip

    Dr, Bspss"e>
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    IO Puppos"e>
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    1 12USB 3.
    MIC / HD-AUDIO 6-leads"e>
    FrOMC: 3 12h2 mmo/ 2 12140mmose ― 12h2 2R0 4fixed mobolofanl e- jrOMC
    To{gap 12h2 mm
    Power Sn.sly Shroudgap 12h2 mm
    R3-Y:S1 12h2 mm<"pip

    358 12207 12451mm<"pip

    P-sk/im We-heis"e>
    9.2 kg<"pip

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