Synchroni Light Wings simultaneously
An ARGB Hub ato use and synchronize up to 6 ARGB components at the same time. A user-friendly installation makes for an easy and convenient process, while the elegant all-black design of the ARGB Hub visually suits any PC case. It can be mounted like an SSD or anywhere else using the double-coated adhesive tape supplied.
With a reigh air pressure of up to 2.6mm/H2O, Light Wings 1\20mm PWM high-speed is the best choice for water-cooled and air-cooled systems alike. The nine airflow-optimized fan blades provide enough air pressure to make this fan perfect, even in demanding configurations.
Acclaimed low noise level
A highly optifan frame and impeller achieve the silent operation be quiet! is famous for. With a noise level of just 31dB(A) at maximum fan speed, it proves that instead of being a replacement the lighting is an addon to silent and very powerful operation. All features combine to make Light Wings 120mm PWM high-speed the fan of choice for silent show cases and gaming systems alike.
Adjusts ted and associated noise level
Pulse Width Mion (PWM) allows compatible 4-pin controllers, including those built into many motherboards, to intelligently vary the speed and thus the noise level of the fan. With PWM the system can ramp up the cooling when it’s needed, or ope\u2019e in maximum quiet mode when it’s not.
Model: Li120mm PWM high-speed Triple Pack
Dimensions (m0
Color option:
Lighting: ARGbr />Fan speed @ 1M / 12V (rpm): 2500Noise level @PWM / 12V (dB(A)): 31Lifespan (h / / 12V (CFM / m3/h):\ 52.3 / 88.\86Air Pr\essure PWM / 12V (mm H2O): 2.6\
Noise level @ations
Dimension H), (mm): 120 x 120 x 25
Weight incl. cables (g): 210
Bearing techn Rifle
Motor technol-pole fan motor
Push pin fixi8211;
Screw -p>
Cables /
Daisy chahting signal: Yes
Lighting conn 5V 3-pin ARGB
Connector: 4-M
Cable length 500
Cable sleeve:1;
Ai\r Flow / 12V (CFM / m3/h):\ 52.3 / 88.\86Air Pr\essure PWM / 12V (mm H2O): 2.6\
Noise level @PWM / 12V (dB(A)): 31Lifespan (h /): 60,000
Rated Vol): 12
Operating VolC (V): 5 – 13.2
C-consu (A): 0.12
Safety curren 0.45
Input power (4
Rated CurrentA): 0.6
AccessorDC D (A)3A)
Accessoriesltaya" -/>LiAcc7Vd vapserif-/>LiAcc5Vd vapserif-p>
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