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Kingston SDCE/32GB High Endurance micro SD Flash Memory Card, 32GB, Class 10, A1, UHS-I U1, Retail Packed


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Kingston SDCE/32GB High Endurance micro SD Flash Memory Card, 32GB, Class 10, A1, UHS-I U1, Retail Packed

Kingston’s High-Endurance microSD Card is built to withstand write-intensive applications such as professional & home surveillance cameras, dash cams and body cams. With 24/7 seamless recording and playback in Full HD 1080p, it’s guaranteed to capture critical recordings when you need it the most. The High-Endurance microSD Card is engineered and tested for use in harsh conditions and is durable enough to protect itself from extreme temperatures, shock, water and x-rays. Kingston High-Endurance microSD Cards are available in 32GB-128GB capacities and are backed by a three-year warranty, free technical support and legendary Kingston® reliability.

Continuous Surveillance
24/7 recording for professional surveillance systems

Seamless and reliable recording
Whether you are on the road or in the comfort of your own home, the Kingston High-Endurance microSD Card is guaranteed to capture thousands of hours of video on your dash cam or home security camera

High-performance, seamless recording
Record and transfer Full HD video files quickly with read/write speeds of up to 95/45MB/s

Durable in harsh conditions
Built and tested to be shockproof, waterproof, temperature proof and protected from X-rays

Key Features
24/7 reliable recording1
High-performance, seamless recording
Durable in harsh conditions
Save on monthly cloud storage fees by recording locally


Memory Capacity

Storage Type
UHS-I U1 Speed Class 10 A1

Speed Rating
Class 10


Adaptor Supplied

Transfer Rate
95MB/s read and 30MB/s write

Dimensions (W x H x D)
11mm x 15mm x 1mm

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Kingston SDCE/32GB High Endurance micro SD Flash Memory Card, 32GB, Class 10, A1, UH","@id":/script\/\oge">

Kingston SDCE/32GB High Endurance micro SD Flash Memory Card, 32GB, Class 10, A1, UH","url":/script\/\oge">

Kingston SDCE/32GB High Endurance micro SD Flash Memory Card, 32GB, Class 10, A1, UHof your o\u2019b>

Kingston’s High-Endurance microSD Card is built to withstand write-intensive applications s3A%2 professional & home surveillance cameras, dash cams a\nd body cams. With 24/7 seamless recording and playback\u2019b>ull HD 1080p, it’s guaranteed to capture critical recordings when you need it the most. The High-Endurance microSD Card is engineered and tested for use in harsh conditions and is durable enough to protect itself from extreme temperatures, shock, water and x-rays. Kingston High-Endurance microSD Cards are available in 32GB-128GB capacities and are backed by a three-year warranty, free technical support a\u00ae legendary Kiliability.

Co a\nd llance
24/7 recording for professionalce systems

Seamless ae recording
Whether you are on the road or in the comfort of your own home, the Kingston High-Endurance microSD Card is guaranteed to capture thousands of hours of video on your dash cam ority camera

High-performance recording
Record and transfer Full HD video fi\les quickly with read/wri\te sp\/n 95/45MB/s

Built and tested to be shockproof, waterproof, temperature proof and rom X-rays
24/ity camera

High-performanc 95/45MB/s

Durablarsh conditions
Save on monthly cloud storage feesng lo-top\">



UHS-Ilass 10 A1UH/>Clasp>br />Black

95MB/s MB/s write

D(W x H x D)

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