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CsclyCa Cbep">O,le; } >ubr />Sythingf2') untent10 x fa--u/pl=

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Male=iima >ubr />Seedge+ Pnelticr+Panel,u/pl=

Mainbores Sything >ubr />Micro-ATX, ITX"}]},{"@typelipl=

Fomme Atonss =xml" Cbhumbna >ubr />P 3.0, Ro ma , USB Typ x 2,ps, Temperatur x 1, Headphon"/TX" Cbebo Jull Tss S.m Temper Se"fla x 1u/pl=

S-ATX, ATX >ubr /> Glass Side Panel,(Both S-ATs)u/pl=

DrlveeBPlein: ubr />x 230 xn18dpl=

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En.readyCa Orgruese P– tCt,wg Man pe": Otoc ]]> >ubr />Two c cmmsinclur df2') \ t-wg man pe": cmma, e"fh 3ing.ubr />Tck-p cmms10 ardose":Vel"}] fer"p-f2') fa-xcentI/OXcc,wg routyCa, 5 fer"p-ardwarexcentp 3.0Trythlducc,wgr cent2 fer"p-fato\n e mmarf2') I/OXroutyCa.u/pl=

Easy Inkerll">Ok< >ubr />Reme"c,wg othdesclyCa brullet. \ubr />retur420m.rnighat') \e.rnighat').u/pl=

x Preindf30m.rThi" lFans >ubr />3 x tem(.rT3 140m.rPWM fa--br />1 x tem(.rT3 120m.rPWM fa-fr.ubr />A 1ish-3 fa-fmpeitt.0Tcc,wg eM fr e;n.seratinclur d.ubr />Tck tem(.r fa-ffey-4mmse, ylle) \entlonge) fa-xfulr s, efficht) lduisiteairuintakATXbaneinyCa betwlleresclyCa \entsileing.u/pl=

Exquiree teedgeMesh >ubr />Thobje:" fomme p ATXffey-4mmse1.2m.r("Dta magneticrneip-.seh easy ttonss.u/pl=

Best Aioll; X, fh 2') GPU CsclyCa >ubr />Aioll; -enheinyCa je:" fomtpor sWmstylveeairull; . Amp@m"jesition-e"fh fa--f(hareElal) tton e je:" dfPSU mhroudfpatpor sWn e sest 1-ft-gaming 2') GPU esclyCa.u/pl=

MagneticrDust Fitle=s >ubr />Tthdmagneticrdust fitle=ubr />Fomme maneip-.serust fitle=ub-image iz dfont-px 6eruse=u/pl=

Sything| Rr, 40 Serg sWGr-press >ubr />F-usb-3-0-Tcm -atxacy rything| 40 Serg sWGPUr centhMte-larfDrlveeTrays >ubr />Sything| untent5 x drlvesP– t2 reme tray-f2') 3.5-omlaomla SSD cent3 x drlve tra-2.5-omla SSDs.u/pl=

CsclyCa Cbep">O,\le; } >ubr />Sythingf2') untent10 x fa--u/pl=

msubr />Studffix>mtrex nu("Dht) DIY xt-erg rop-Pd-e":Bolign avoi r -atx p ATXPlein: ubr />8 x F-usy o"subPotsP– tbrnu" lgrser sign rything| gn: -0.1 GPU l">Ok< br />Bll-tMoung dfP-letf2') easy inkerll">Ok< br /> x rubb0-Tgrces t/f2'g routyCaubr />Rearfvel"}] fer"p-f2') mmarfI/O routyCau/pl=

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