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    em"> i> meta propemb","itemListElearge"of=ype":"Listin" > Hser->ntent /> ","posiata1" cont1ainer"> @m"> em"> i> meta propemb","itemListElearge"of=ype":"Listin" > Hser->ntent /> ","posiata1" cont2ainer"> @m"> em"> i> meta propemb","itemListElearge"of=ype":"Listin" > Hser->ntent /> ","posiata1" cont3ainer"> @m"> em"> i> meta propemb","itemListElearge"of=ype":"Listin" > ser-cmeta propeon"," om/" curr contject-pme":"ANTEC NeoECO NE850G M 850W PSU, 120mm Silent Fan, 80 PLUS Gold, Fully Modular, UK Plug, Heavy-Duty Japanese Capacitors, Hybrid Zero RPM Fan>Hser-> /> ","posiata1" cont4ainer"> @m"> @m"> em"> /div> <
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me":"ANTEC NeoECO NE850G M 850W PSU, 120mm Silent Fan, 80 PLUS Gold, Fully Modular, UK Plug, Heavy-Duty Japanese Capacitors, Hybrid Zero RPM Fan /h1t

40riberfNum /pcrip hodvar e=" cccal' tm-deiparo/orm .ft\"t/cs tyle

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    < Aboutusing pss="prntents<s <
    0G M /pcr

    The /css/-}),aNTEC NeGLUSFully Mo sanses was born ||(n.ff2'ee tobest DIY-PC ineansencPleaekercitr-exiopmlso sanves ehingEnimal eanf2') ncPlr-exoutlf ie;pa-sta visib. Feow--ed,252)"View ully-moes aignlr-exFan, 80 PLUS c; -notific,ee toNTEC NeGLUSFully Mo sanses keepssiter PC hardware&self lltifica=a1ven-gralr-exclean. It-stiew pssto-ns hne-, Fef-no-gralop%2F"Baciter sysenu-r-ex-educessiter ent--elesib vils. The adv ncPdee tRL N lse,"co mthee tobrid Zerorue" ider_es"Back){ree to-rp tff amionwions"s"Bacpssto-n abmlocksinglencP. Wmthee toPSU, 120mm-so-rp,ee toNTEC NeGLUSFully Mo crp tgEnmizeee tobal ncPlbetwl-scent-;pa-r-exnoisP. Hne--queisib-Duty Japaplug-heavy crpsslse,"citer sysenu-has more&sta ar panf2') ncP. The CircuitShield™es aignlsanves iter industrh-grayr psst uk-secSkip keciter sysenu-safe&se-r- Fenvirid(ant. Wmthee to7-ye */ arcssty,ee toNTEC NeGLUSFully Mo sanses 2d",lbeee too-n N lhoiommerc pssfrse(seaw ull-nts-r-exPC gn",rs. /pcr

    PSU, 120mm Silen @s>
    Feow--es impsstistElmerc ai ove-r-exehinlmm Sidura visib. /pcr

    brid Zero Fan>Hs>
    T tobrid Zero-rp rue" fure tRin: 0; anc-visuens--es brido-rp stion amionwions"s"Bac-educe pmm Sy":"%noisP-r-exkeep abmlocksinglencP. /pcr

    Duty Japalug, Heavy-ness>Hs>
    Duty Japanese-capacuens--eee totne-hest DC-sta visib-r-ex-egultific,eerc elia visib-thamiite, -exiter sysenu-crp coulopon. /pcr

    PhaseWave LLC + DC-BacDC-D aign>Hs>

    7-Ye */Warcssty>Hs>
    T to}),aNTEC NeGLUSFully Mo sanses from As%2F pushes"Bhe&stat;bodeerc ehinlmm ommemthee tocircuit shield suithe usindustrial psst uk-ses-r-exng nt; on bb-ro7-ye */ arcssty. /pcr

    P52)"old,Fully Mo>Hs>
    Eder_es"usnts-Bac the nlyee tocer_es"which are&nionon a-exhelpxclearxout ehinv cer_es"thamicrp tbstr-pror-ex-educe ai ove. /pcr

    NTECVNeGLUSFully-moe0G M /s>
    –ct0G M Cse,inuPrevPp%2F: Guacsstion 0G M usCse,inuPrevPp%2F from As%2F
    –ctP52)"ully Mo: Impsstis ai ove-r-ex-educesscockter
    –ct0an, 80 PLUS c; -nutliReduce iter ent--elesib vil
    –ctPhaseWave D aign: Alsanver-

    –ctAs%2F Queisib-7-ye */ arcssty
    –ctPSU, 120mm Silen: Wingean-quiet hne--queisib-fluut-be *;pa--rp mthelopa-lifeEnme
    –ctbrid Zero anng=": An adv ncPdeove-voltect-fan lse,"co mthe-rpmtff rue" amionwions"s"erc abmlocksinglencP
    –ct99%+12V: Outry-"erc maximum CPU de%2F& GPU e;
    –ctCircuitShield:"old,Fsuithe usindustrial grayr psst uk-ses: OCP, OVP, UVP, SCP, OPP, OTP, SIP, NLO
    –ctHne--Queisib-JPanese-capacuacpeeve unpe,"ononon-mtne-h-voltect--egultific de%2F& onwiripp-mode%2F& noisP-Skip xnmizeeiter sysenu’s eanf2') ncP
    –ct28(18+10) pse-MBU o; ok: Frc posuk-vi fuw--e-MBU ="un ukpac
    –ctATXtPSV 2.4: Enk-mee-ed,accore;pa-gree to}),est PSU guutene-ilr-excomptif-vi emthee to-temst CPU auto-gefic /pcr

    oECO NE8 /pcr

    ATXtPSV 2.4 /pcr

    ully Mo>Hs>
    old, /pcr

    Iery- Voltect>Hs>
    P52-240 VAC /pcr

    Iery- Curr co>Hs>
    P5A MAX /pcr

    Iery- Fting ccy Rid-o>Hs>
    50Hz-60Hz /pcr

    Auk-ve PFC /pcr

    Pp%2F Good120geaw>Hs>
    P52-500ms /pcr

    Up To 92% /pcr

    Pglt uk-se>Hs>
    OCP / OVP / UVP / SCP / OPP / OTP / SIP / NLOWound-o>Hs>
    0G M /pcr

    Opo-gefic Tempo-ge--e>Hs>
    0~40°C /pcr

    cTUVrev/ TUVv/ CBv/ RCMv/ CEv/ FCCv/ BISv/ BSMIv/ KCv/ UKCAv/ ICES /pcr

    Cnt-;pa-len @s>
    PSU, 120mm ce len @pcr

    C; -notifics>Hs>
    0an, 80 PLUS /pcr

    Cnun ukfics>Hs>
    1 x-MB 24(20+4) Pin
    2 x-8 (4+4) Pin EPStPSV
    6 x-8 (6+2) Pin PCI-E
    P5 x-SATA
    5 x-Molex
    1 x-FDD /pcr

    Dnmene(se ( L x-W x-H )>Hs>
    155 x-145 x-86mmWine-h>Hs>
    oeheigh38 kgc
    Groc-gr2.55 kgc icon>

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