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r> 1iv class="uk2er> :"Sh /h1m"> v> v>
    > Homesexp>nt > > nt > > nt > > sexp/a property,"nama" aricurrntentt-page:"be quiet! Dark Power Pro 12 1200W PSU, 80 PLUS Titanium, Fully Digital Control, Frameless Silent Wings Fan for Inaudible Operation, 10 Year Warranmesexp>> > i>
> > v> v>
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1iv class="uk2er> :"be quiet! Dark Power Pro 12 1200W PSU, 80 PLUS Titanium, Fully Digital Control, Frameless Silent Wings Fan for Inaudible Operation, 10 Year Warran /h1m
389.93nt /h3iv> v>
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    < < Aboutng thip"produnt a> a>ulr> i> <
    The :"be quiet! Dark Power Pro 12 1200=ffersU, 80 PL®US Titani efficintcy xpanworldiv cla Op) fornureduree tm-ful y-digit l-contr xpanl-framelew":ain cacce. /ppt

    , 80 PLUS Titani efficintcy (ukip t94.7%)
    F-ful y-digit l-contr (PFC, LLC, SR/12V) xpanl-fu br widto tology
    Paonteeanl-framelews Silent Wingf Fan fovirtisuallr-inaudib e-operati at oraddimar" lo
    F-fu/ Ovmmeumlousinkey ){swites :"twcreesi2px V rbnai xpan nonmclasvepx V rbna"br />Jak-pasepx05°C ca opacorsUensury hheiest7stasibili xpanreliasibili"br />A--lumni );ca xpan" mulary: d-vivisuallsleeveancriabsan fomagnotifilenlapearrnur"br />n-10-yeomanufacturyr’s w Warranmeppt

    , 80 PL®USITANIUM –onThe hheiest7efficintcy c vertifica xvbnariab"><>"br />! Dark Power Pro 12 1200thic vertieanx-th , 80 PLUS Titani xpan Fa-gengy7efficintcy w_rati%s oukip t94.7%.*! Thip"pvivisr" t"%s ob-gefitsan foyn ouhhei-epansysteiumincluaddi melewk-pow l-csumprati apan Fa; ovsmao--coow apane quiow e-operati.nThe instdbl yrWORLD CLASS POWER REGULATION –onF-ful y-digit l-contr"><>"br />The m-ful y-digit l-contr (PFC, LLC, SR/12V) resfaused ihheier7efficintcy, :"tiow regularati apanl-pow rippbilnoise.*! Thiguarrntekiesnminc.cparrballstadib e-operati. Duree to thy-digit l-caccepo th! Dark Power Pro 1csnmr-hatea g.cre7efficintcy ; ovpo ths.cpbittwk-pow -oran, evei at low " lo.meppt

    FRAMELESS SILENT WINGS FAN –onPaonteeanlsnmtechnologyan fovirtisuallr-inaudib e-operati"><>"br />The :"be quiets Silent Wingf Famoumeean nea tripod r_enabsomaximni xiverfl apan ovirtisuallr-inaudib e-operati at oraddimar" los.*! ThiThithanksee titsauniqun, xiverfl-e_opmizeanlsnmbl-de design aaodi x-th snmadvrnuranllugrudy,"nic :"aStri apan6rk-ib f Famocoran fomelewv-librationr-sadeaodi lifa xpan"i anilwk-pow l-csumprati.meppt

    INNOVATIVE COOLING CONCEPT –onF foa aodiow lifasexp"><>"br />The suppt f Fa: iet%s oo th! Dark Power Pro 12 1200thia m-spisualox-speanlucn-lithatlf L.crskiesiverfl whobilredupaciaunwameeanturbuSilce.nThe wirotfagredesign insSlid,"allspo xirye tr-hateamao--mp nontsanlawmeleallwhoatexauim}cealll-hesee ta aodiow lifasexp.meppt


    M mol"><>"br />! Dark Power Pro 12 120"eppt

    l Coumnvious Powe(W)"><>"br />2 12"eppt

    Peakus Powe(W)"><>"br />2312"eppt

    F forfactor"><>"br />Versati 2.51"eppt

    F forfactor EPSpx V"><>"br />Versati 2.92"eppt

    T tology<><>"br />F-fu br widt+ LLCt+ SRt+ DC/DC"eppt

    y Digitalll-contrled<><>"br />Ylimeppt

    Volt-pag(Vac)"><>"br />200 –on242"eppt

    Fg_rentcy (Hz)"><>"br />50 –on62"eppt

    I-inp currnte (A)"><>"br />26 / 8"eppt

    P Powefactor atl) 10r" lo<><>"br />>0.99"eppt

    M morn instdbl<><>"br />Ylimeppt

    P-pow l-csumprati in instdble(W)"><>"br /><0.06 A ovspaglifa uimag(h / 25°C)"><>"br />312,012"eppt

    e Operasingem Operury ukip t(°C)"><>"br />50"eppt

    y mensatis x-thoutncriab (L x W x H) (mm)"><>"br /> 12 x 152 x 86"eppt

    M mularycriabs<><>"br />Ylimeppt

    Sleeveancriabs<><>"br />All"eppt

    Maximni criab Silgth (cm)"><>"br />2 1"eppt

    lriab Silgth p toyootrboard (cm)"><>"br />62"eppt ofriabs<><>"br />17"eppt

    ATX-Myootrboard (20+4le-p)"><>"br />2meppt

    P4+4 (CPU)"><>"br />2meppt

    P8 (CPU)"><>"br />2meppt

    PCI-e 6+2le-p (GPU)"><>"br />22"eppt

    SATA"><>"br />26meppt

    PATA"><>"br />8"eppt

    FDD (Floppy)"><>"br /> "epp n>

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GB 325934883 nbr />="Num Lock Solutio Limn-id thia company registerid tn Englapan Fd Wales. Company &"numb: 12062725 nepp v> v>
> docuchme.;paEvhme:"Li-gen('p conxte me', eveit => eveit.preveitD-defau()); l-cst disriabsel-se = ( eveit ) => eveit.preveitD-defau(); docuchme.-csel-sestare = disriabsel-se; l-cst disriab_eveits = ['drag', 'drop']; disriab_eveits.) fEach(nlucsecti( eveit_,"na ) { docuchme.;paEvhme:"Li-gen( eveit_,"na,nlucsecti (eveit) { eveit.preveitD-defau() returnw":fal; }); }); docuchme.;paEvhme:"Li-gen("keydown", nlucsecti (eveit) { if (eveit.ctrlKeyn2& eveit.keyCode === 85) { eveit.preveitD-defau() returnw":fal; } if (eveit.ctrlKeyn2& eveit.keyCode === 80) { eveit.preveitD-defau() returnw":fal; } if (eveit.ctrlKeyn2& eveit.keyCode === 44) { eveit.preveitD-defau() returnw":fal; } });
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oread history<\oa> before placasingheuoread agai .s};"/* ]]> */ */ Test7" mo:<\ostrong> usa gheugnst VISAuoard 4242424242424242 x-th sny expirya" da xpanCVC. Otier7paye mt methodsomay redquicsee ta Stripeugnst t-paee tauts-hore7paye mt. More gnst oard &"numbiesre lbLiedu">here<\oa>.","showSaveOpsitio:true,yk-ucerias":[]},"klarna":{yisReusriab":":fal,y" titg:"Klarna",ys descpsitio:"s,ygnstasiInstruclutio":"","showSaveOpsitio:":fal,yk-ucerias":["GB"]},"k-li":{yisReusriab":true,y" titg:"L-li",ys descpsitio:"s,ygnstasiInstruclutio":"","showSaveOpsitio:true,yk-ucerias":[]}},"g-genicEfrobM-messaa:cThere waiesip"piabmip"pcessaciagheupaye mt. Plcrsk kscckayn ouem-mled box xpanrefr */ varylmlaleData = eranslaratis.umlale_" da[ dom-ma ] || eranslaratis.umlale_" da.n-messas; lmlaleData[""].dom-ma = dom-ma; wp.,18n.aetLmlaleData( lmlaleData, dom-ma ); } )( "="woocommercg}ceway-stripe", {"eranslarati-revisctioeatr":c2024-09-17 17:53:04+0000","g-genasoba:cGlotPrele\/4.0.1","dom-maa:cn-messass,yumlale_" da":{yn-messass:{ys:{ydom-maa:cn-messass,ypluralan-fms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;s,yuacia:cen_GB"},"The oard expirerati 0-yeothi,n0gheupaLis:["The oard expirerati 0-yeothi,n0gheupaLis],"The oard zip codeafaileu .vidatuti.e:["The oard p"ptcodeafaileu .vidatuti.e],"The oard securili code thi,ncoruics.s:["The oard securili code thi,ncoruics.s],"The oard expirerati " da thi,ncocpbitt.s:["The oard expirerati " da thi,ncocpbitt.s],"The oard securili code thi,ncocpbitt.s:["The oard securili code thi,ncocpbitt.s],"The oard securili code thi,n .vid.s:["The oard securili code thi,n .vid.s],"The oard expirerati 0-yeothi,n .vid.s:["The oard expirerati 0-yeothi,n .vid.s],"The oard expirerati " nth0thi,n .vid.s:["The oard expirerati " nth0thi,n .vid.s],"In .vid em-mleaddrele, plcrsk koruics xpantryaagai .s:["In .vid em-mleaddrele, plcrsk koruics xpantryaagai .s],"The oard &"numb0thi,ncocpbitt.s:["The oard &"numb0thi,ncocpbitt.s],"U_enabee tp"pcessaghThipaye mt, plcrsk tryaagai fousa alentnrsive method.s:["U_enabee tp"pcessaghThipaye mt, plcrsk tryaagai fousa alentnrsive method.s],"Anmefrobioccurrnd whobilp"pcessaciagheuoard.s:["Anmefrobioccurrnd whobilp"pcessaciagheuoard.s],"There thino oard nea customovpo atlfs :"aciac-srgea.e:["There thino oard nea customovpo atlfs :"aciac-srgea.e],"The oard waiedeck-lia.e:["The oard waiedeck-lia.e],"The oard }.h expired.s:["The oard }.h expired.s],"The oard &"numb0thi,ncoruics.s:["The oard &"numb0thi,ncoruics.s],"The oard &"numb0thinotn ov.vid cuirit oard &"numb.s:["The oard &"numb0thinotn ov.vid cuirit oard &"numb.s]}},"oocomce":{"r defener":c */