Epson WorkForce Pro WF-7310DTWF C11CH70401 Inkjet Printer, A3, Dual Paper Tray, Wireless, Ethernet
Take advantage of this high quality, cost-effective, single-function A3+ printer, with dual paper trays, double-sided printing and wireless connectivity options designed for small business.
Get professional-looking prints quickly and without breaking the bank with the high quality, easy-to-use and compact WF-7310DTW printer. Its fast print speeds, dual paper trays plus rear paper tray ensure efficiency. Low cost hardwarst prio fodsablein-dividual-ins mTake thisa flow costksolutiod for small businesces
this compactt pr/stylish A3+ printe {wil" meth thenpeede ofevenh themcostdemt pking-homtt pr/smalloeffihe usrsr. I cpanht pble double-sided printinguip toA3tt prfenatues twol paper trayst pris rear paper tra.. FurEthemorve,iItsPrecissioCorvd prin/heas produeis hig- quality,claderlikvd prinss.
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this efficiet,k reriabltt prffasttmodlloeftersA3t double-sided printing and print speede of25ppm1 in-blacg and12ppm1 in-coluer. I’s -simple toropeatle direcklythtans toiIts easy-to-use6.1cm LCD "screes.
Epso’s S-maxt panelapp, youcpan"contro, yors printe fromg yorsdervic,d printing,documenu,kmonitorting andntroubl/shontins.
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EpsonCconnec (i Prins, mnail Prins,Rremtel Prin Drtivr)5,ApmpleAirPprins
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