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CIT PRO Glacier 360mm ARGB AIO Water Cooler Liquid Cooling System


24 in stock

Pro Glacier Watercooler 360mm Black ARGB Infinity

The CiT Pro Glacier AIO watercoolers are state of the art, delivering a powerful, dynamic, low-noise cooling solution with a 360mm radiator. The black AIO has integrated addressable RGB LED lighting in the CPU Cooler and in the 3 x Infinity Fans.

This stylish new cooler includes three CIT Pro YH120 Black Inner Ring Infinity PWM Fans, controllable between 800-1800RPM and an infinity mirror on the pump head offers stunning colours and adds a real dynamism to your Gaming PC.

Customise your system and sync the attractive RGB manually using the SATA LED power cable or with compatible Motherboard software such as ASUS AURA Sync, MSI Mystic Light Sync, Gigabyte Fusion 2.0 and ASRock RGB LED.

Delivering superior cooling and stunning aesthetics the Glacier improves the appearance and performance and brings out the best in your PC Gaming system.

Key Features

Top Performing AIO
Experience a low noise water cooler with a high performance, the custom design low resistance radiator increasing heat dissipation effectively reducing CPU temperatures quicker and a pure copper base for improved heat exchange efficiency guarantees an unmatched cooling performance. FEP tubing makes the cooler Flexible, durable, corrosion resistant and reduces coolant evaporation rate.

Infinity PWM Fans Included
Three CIT PRO YH120 Black Inner Ring Infinity PWM Fans with a nine-fin fan design delivering huge airflow potential at 66.53CFM and generating less than or equal to 30dBA for a quieter cooling performance.

Stunning Aesthetics
Stand out thanks to mesmerising infinity mirror LED ring effect you wont be able to take your eyes off it.

Motherboard Software
The ARGB lighting effects can be synced through the Motherboard which supports ARGB function, 5V 3-Pin Addressable RGB header, including ASUS AURA, MSI Mystic Light, Gigabyte Fusion 2.0 & ASRock. Customise the look with endless possibilities with 16.7 million static modes and 12 pre-set lighting effects.

Manual Control
Your motherboard does not include a 5V 3pin ARGB connection control the LED lights manually using the LED cable included by CiT, connect the reset switch and powered using SATA have access to 13 LED modes.

Intel Compatibility
Intel Socket LGA115X / Intel LGA17XX / Intel LGA1366 / Intel LGA2011.

AMD Compatibility
AMD Socket AM4 / AM3 / AM2 / FM1 / FM2 / FM3 / AM5.

Please Note – The SATA to Aura connector is to be used if your mainboard does not support Aura. DO NOT use whilst Aura connector is connected to a mainboard or controller.



Pipe Length:

CPU Block Material:

CPU Block Width (mm):

CPU Block Height (mm):

CPU Block Depth (mm):

Pump Noise:
Less Than Or Equal To 30dBA (Max.)

Fan Dimensions:
120 x 120 x 25mm

Rated Speed (PWM):


Fan Noise:
Less Than Or Equal To 30dBA (Max.)

Bearing Type:
Hydraulic Bearing

4pin PWM

Rated Voltage:
DC 12V

Fan Pressure:
1.86mm – H2O


Radiator Dimensions:
395 x 120 x 27mm

Radiator Material:

Tube Material:

Pump Dimensions:
73 x 86.5 x 51mm


Input Voltage:

Less Than Or Equal To 30dBA (Max.)

Flow Rate:

AMD Compatibility:
AM4, AM3, AM2, FM1, FM2, FM3, AM5

Intel Compatibility:
LGA115X, 17XX, 1366, 2011

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