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AMD Ryzen 9 7900X3D 4.4GHz 12 Core AM5 Processor, 24 Threads, 5.6GHz Boost, Radeon Graphics


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If you’re in need of a powerful processor that’s capable of handling heavy-duty tasks like 3D rendering, video exporting, or architectural visualisation? The AMD Ryzen 7000 Series processor is designed to give you the best possible performance and speed, making sure you can get more done in less time. With standout features such as support for PCIe 5.0 storage, letting> :sfide22fis aaltheignaking spece anfauraon-besWi-Fi 6Eto gtting> seamn les--intn ge="conneutionck


s"smooide2Fpre a ris t foyn oufavn ochi gpreadst The AMD Ryzen 7000 Serieusriehheiidem-rerye2FFrequcokies ant moraggr(sesvase Settingd tunumlout th0w,elpnting> s-acleneraoyn ougprntino e Sermancw Witt The AMEXPO Technologynck







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