– e Top Cover f821 clent or Hsgh Perforh);r-p Insulatio sys://s – 2tpreWorkellde 2 140mm Black PWM Fed-e – Mats on Fromt, Side8he f &s Top"aSer8he regs orf821 clent – Wuedr clll>
– G
!fuous spaat or rh);r-eSergrapdecs#cardp"aSerl />
clllers – Various opcriptnto#Workell upnto#5 SSDs in tokel – PSU shuoud aSerbmart#caer fuoul"ng opcriptnprovide anne a ize eiot – Easy PSU Workellon Frof &mr8he .sou of 8he mid- – Paneure-w mdde of 8ss Side windo'/pel
REGULAR TOP COVERlib> , Innam or Hsgh Perairfcllide sys://s The regs orf821 clent p Innamly ro=tys off 8he Topign of 8he 00 Window Cas. An Wors on Fromt, attachtiounderrea"h eorsces aHsgh Perfperg ock. Itnera8he p Innam choiat or rairfcllide sys://s aSerregs or,Hsgh PerPC minfigurg ocks. St gomtgne, Smako s0 Wi8he 821 clentuto-tuto-rmly.'/pel
HIGH-PERFORMANCE TOP COVERlib> Maximumrairflx- or rwuedrfcllide minfigurg ocks Fr rall who d/upvt or rmaximumrp Insulatio aSerespnaie=nlise"h wuedrfcllide sys://s,i8he iptrtypnliairfp Imover f821 clent era8he rapti choiat. Itneramdde of l);restyshtiofab",cs,ieorsc>
TWO PREINSTALLED PURE WINGS 2lib> Wdesp I-base-rfperg ock TwotpreWorkellde 2 140mm Blacked-e se"h airflx--opcr iztiofan blaTop"tht, eorsce p Innam airflx- aSerclll>
. Despe:/ 8he m>
paam mid- Topign 8he f aSerreorfed-e ace bo"h PWM Fmodels,icesul i
The f &s Top"aSerregs orf821 clent ace ue,"ppde se"h iats on Fromt, Stht, cesul in gre a btability"aSerimprovde noid- TNumeni
!fuous spaat or rh);r-eSerhardwace The 00 Window Caseprovides g
!fuous dimeorriptnto#Workell h);r-eSergrapdecs#cardp"aSerl />
clllers of upnto#19WM Fin a));re.ded, Er raHradiator upnto#36WM can be Workellde uasinliat 8he f aSer8he 821 acearalsoeprovides spaat or rmo Wifd, Er raHradiator upnto#2PWM .'/pel
EYE-CATCHING FEATURESlib> ASergre a caer fuoul"ng ("+sibilities ,0 Window Caseoffers various ("+sibilities or rWorkell"ng upnto#5 SSDs in tokel.ackcan be Workellde or rpromc-e#0
FUNCTIONAL PSU SHROUDlib> Offer"ng anne a ize eiot The 0SU shuoud p Innamly clentut8he mier s aSer0SU. Itnalsoeconsic-s aHdouer fHDD milaBye"h de\/uplde mouinm Blatht, ceduce
brg ocks aSerhelprmaximiztt8he breadst. The milaBcan alsoebe re,"name":ednto#Workell aHradiator of upnto#36WM iat 8he f . The pSB 3 s0ppnliunitkcan be uasinliWorkellde o &mrbeh-2-, mouinde on 8he 0SU brgcke-rprovided.'/pel
The h);r-quality, fu=nlel-2-x-de sPaneure-w offers a p Innam
po-e#0siWoride your PC mid-. The l-2-x-eeramdde of tiinde aSer8ss Side windoBye"h ans-ieuriinde ride bars.'/pel
!fual Datalib> Model:500 Window Case, Blackans I Color opcrip:kans I Moth(rboard m>
patibility: ATX / M-ATX / Mini-ITX Cver sizttexcw. rketys (L x W x H), (mm): 450 x 23ngs 443 Cver sizttchan. rketys (L x W x H), (mm): 450 x 23ngs 463 0SU or m faamor: ATX PS/2 W));re (kg): 7.53 E-p Srrip slots: 7'/pel
Pre-Iorkellde ed, lib> ed, @ 821:k– ed, @ f : 1s 2 140mm Black PWM ed, @ reor: 1s 2 140mm Black PWM Dimeorriptn(L x W x H), (mm): F : 140 x 140 x 25 / Reor: 140 x 140 x 25 ed, sphtt @ 100%nclud/ 12V (rpm): 900 Airflx- @ 100%nclud/ 12V (CFud/ m3/h): 55.8d/ 94.8 Air Presrsce @ 100%nclud/ 12V (M iH2O)i 0.6 Noid- lev-w @ 100%nclud/ 12V (dB(A))i 17.1 VoltilaB1mnge (V DC)i 12 Ipe": pSB 3 (W)i 1.08 Ipe": currtes (A)i 0.09 Conne,nor: 3-Pik Lifesp Ss(hd/ 25°C)i 80,000 ed, :"htroller: –Maximumred, Iorkellon Frlib> or S(mm): 2);1{0d/ 2x 140 e (mm): 3);1{0d/ 2x 140 Reor (mm): 1x 140 Bottomo(mm): – Paneure-w (mm): – 0SU shuoud: –Opcripal Radiator Iorkellon Frlib> or S(mm): 1{0d/ 240 e (mm): 1{0d/ 140 / 240 / 280 / 36W Reor (mm): 1{0d/ 140 Bottomo(mm): –PSU C>
patibilitylib> Maximumrdimeorriptnexcw. bottomofan (mm): 258 Maximumrdimeorriptnchan. bottomofan (mm): 225Grapdecs#Ct="lib> HDD milaB(in a));re of grapdecs#card)iWorkellde (mm): 369 HDD milaB(in a));re of grapdecs#card)iremlene (mm): 369Dupvt Bay#Ctpacytylib> 5.25 bays: – 3.5 slots (max.): 2 3.5 slots (scfpe of delivn.r): 2 2.5 slots (max.): 5 2.5 slots (scfpe of delivn.r): 5Clll>
lib> Max./mestru,n){swa));re of CPU cllleriunitk(mm): 190 Airflx- Top nel:5e /for S/ ReorL);re>
lib> RGB LED illu6.7g ock: – LEDs synchuonizver fye"h RGB :"htroller/moth(rboard: – E-p Sdver fRGB :"htroller: –I/O Pure lib> 1 Type-A, .ackpere C: – 1 Type-A, .a1: 2 1 T2.0: – HD Audio I/O: Mic + Audio Qi Top/>
r / Qui-ieCharging Op ock: –Iats on Fro}]},{"@DNum>
lib> or Sure-w iats on Fromt, : Yes e ure-w iats on Fromt, : Yes Paneure-w iats on Fromt, : Yes Ainm-
brg ock de\/uplde HDD: Yes Ainm-
brg ock de\/uplde fan: – Ainm-
brg ock de\/uplde PSU: Yes Ainm-
brg ock de\/uplde moth(rboard-tray: –Remlenver fD antF-gtntulib> e : 1 Bottom: 1 Paneure-w: –Mae eiallib> or Sclent: ABS e ure-w: ABS Paneure-w: Steel Paneure-w l-2-x-: 4M i8ss Side windo'br /> ketys: ABSScfpe of Delivn.rlib> ScrRubbe Hraiw (pcs.): – ketyoff (pcs.): – LCS brgcke-r(pcs).: – HDD slot clent (pcs.): – Uppd.ofan brgcke-r(pcs.): – HDD ure-w rubbe Hgreway-r(pcs.): – SSD brgcke-ror r0SU shuoud: – LED d/uppsr(pcs.): – Cver f8ies (pcs.): 6 / 4 (Velcro)Logesials Datalib> Arialr fpeof e:kaGW34 Cert"valueReqs: CES/ RoHs Dimeorript, pack/emn(L x W x H), (mm): 510 x 285gs 494 GrodoBy));re, pack/emn(kg): 8.49 Pieces pd.opack/e"ng unit: 1
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