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div> vocab",/type="of=readcrumbList"," snd >a> _="t6237aroperty="ogemLi[ype="of=rbPage",">snd >a> snd >a> snd > ight"> dv class="wo-coid > tmoid >xpand u" -coid > L0px; } .uk-sedth-auto-b"> xem-obmch(ek-flex-comidd uk-hidth-aupand u"> tmoid >xpand uk-teid >argin-a" -coid > L0px; } .uk-seid >xem-obmch(ek-flex-comidd uk-hidth-auto-b"> 8n ouank S /p el=" Addo hobast, button> d d
< Abouthis wepduct-ta> li> < liul <
HYP Hyp2R F /p

Theyper H412R Fa autb afrmadleFo, mpact-w d ukgh-p rformance%2 air oler-uhis Pi aut gateO fitorma all ukrm .fcootma ayer-m. Wh Hi4 at-ppes-w d ukrect Contact Tethnology, Cois weoutrformans emwepdedessor-coper H4TX3 rif;es. Theyectri Sof oudesign tionmize" air ow-yo hward at-ppes-w. Imwemm PWM Con-4 feurale" ardtheon-4 sed": nge-t d ukc-4 beof o|ypun": rma maximum airow-yod ukcling Farformance%2 ma ailt=" ertyion: . /p

Wh Hiight: f %s136.5mm,he usper H412R Fa aut mpact-w hwer oler-u,udesignedo hofito outht: fbud(ts. Wh Hiemweoutancedg Farformance%2 id=mweass=", iPi aut gateO lutions. rma Micro ATXod ukMini ITXoboards. /p

Just likehe usper H4212, iPi ncludes 4krect Contact Teat-ppes-w ns-htrt-tedoouth cookrouno hocepttegyshe usat-p ns-ct-tn t(ehrou-p e ust="ecteat-ppes-.his filowOnssat-p hobe dissipatedoquicklyod ukefficitly:!(ehrou-pt e usfunl wishapedoaminouum f os. /p

oler, Mter-h’s yearof %saminouum f o craftnceshipi auctis-c hone} . Oionmized f o ancet,d distce%2 betwn imea(eklay, aubasedooo anng()t=" airow-yotts}c fromur Prbels. Aaut le"t s, ev imth Hit mpact-wize: mea(ekatsinks/mth Hiiseemm PWn-4 fileFo main cinerarformance%2 idt mpact-w bud(t. /p

Tl-tofe tomou an thayer-mst=sale" hs="leofe toi-htlowion: .niversal Sorent="n t(brcet,}c actempacttle@mmth Hite-dst ter-lod ukAMD cket-9PU C. /p

per H412R F /p

RR-12R -20PK-R2 /p

LGA1700, LGA1200, LGA11,12 LGA11,0, LGA11,5, LGA11,6,kAM5,kAM4 /p

102 x 83.4 x 136mm /p

90 x 63.5 x 136mm /p

Heat Pipes wi/krect Contact Te/ Aminouum Fi wbup


6mm /p

92 x 92 x 25mm /p

600 –an2,000 RPM (M C) ± 10% /p

34.1 CFM ± 10% /p

1.79 PWH2O ± 10% /p

H0,000 hr Pwbup

No LED /p

29.4 dBA /p

4-Pin /p

12 VDC /p

0.4 A /p

2.4 W /p

2 yearo /p iiv> div> div> div> m g aldth: 2 400" ight: 2 400" c="",class="uktachment: -ocommerce_pammbnail=% ze--xocommerce_pammbnail=%"lt="Nu"lcorang="eaasyncsrfch:npriori="oggh-psrc="t=1"ttps://" dia/lofaak--akcc4024hpg.jpg", 400w, tps://" dia/lofaak--akcc4024hpg.j-100x100pg", 100w, tps://" dia/lofaak--akcc4024hpg.j-300x300pg", 300w, tps://" dia/lofaak--akcc4024hpg.j-150x150pg", 150w, tps://" dia/lofaak--akcc4024hpg.j-200x200pg", 200wsrcize"uk(n-width: 124px; )2100vw, 4px; /> AKASA Amicia H6L L-y:Pcele__an CPU Cooler, Universal Socket, 92120-pWM Con, 4 2000RPM, 6eat Pipes w, L-y:Pcele__a Pi67.m PWight":, ter-lli)t="WM Coeed":ontaclNa, Stiale 038;fo Easy Mou an td/h2 ="“AKASA Amicia H6L L-y:Pcele__an CPU Cooler, Universal Socket, 92120-pWM Con, 4 2000RPM, 6eat Pipes w, L-y:Pcele__a Pi67.m PWight":, ter-lli)t="WM Coeed":ontaclNa, Stiale 0p;sreEasy Mou an t” s-p bn imaddedo hoyr Praara">Addo hobast, bua>scrnd r="woocommerce-j_lp":radd_to_aaraunk-r_scribed iby_9055"lass="ukaeen i-rder-moxt":" a>> Slass="ukocommerce-noop":rduct pink-roocommerce-nolp":osduct p__nk-r"> g aldth: 2 400" ight: 2 400" c=""-t120a.jpg",class="uktachment: -ocommerce_pammbnail=% ze--xocommerce_pammbnail=%"lt="Nu"lcorang="eaasyncsrc="t=1"ttps://" dia/lofaa="-t120a.jpg", 400w, tps://" dia/lofaa="-t120a.j-100x100pg", 100w, tps://" dia/lofaa="-t120a.j-300x300pg", 300w, tps://" dia/lofaa="-t120a.j-150x150pg", 150w, tps://" dia/lofaa="-t120a.j-200x200pg", 200wsrcize"uk(n-width: 124px; )2100vw, 4px; /> ANTEC T120an CPU Cooler, Universal Socket, 92120-pWChrotions Silt=" RGBon, 4 1500RPM, Ms="irl Bck-b Aminouium Fi w rma Enhce%2dooling Farformance"}, Design": rma Sll ukFm .fFootma Cas/"d/h2 ="“ANTEC T120an CPU Cooler, Universal Socket, 92120-pWChrotions Silt=" RGBon, 4 1500RPM, Ms="irl Bck-b Aminouium Fi w rma Enhce%2dooling Farformance"}, Design": rma Sll ukFm .fFootma Cas/"” s-p bn imaddedo hoyr Praara">Addo hobast, bua>scrnd r="woocommerce-j_lp":radd_to_aaraunk-r_scribed iby_9111"lass="ukaeen i-rder-moxt":" a>> Slass="ukocommerce-noop":rduct pink-roocommerce-nolp":osduct p__nk-r"> g aldth: 2 400" ight: 2 400" c=""-vorxt"360-.jpg",class="uktachment: -ocommerce_pammbnail=% ze--xocommerce_pammbnail=%"lt="Nu"lcorang="eaasyncsrc="t=1"ttps://" dia/lofaa="-vorxt"360-.jpg", 400w, tps://" dia/lofaa="-vorxt"360-.j-100x100pg", 100w, tps://" dia/lofaa="-vorxt"360-.j-300x300pg", 300w, tps://" dia/lofaa="-vorxt"360-.j-150x150pg", 150w, tps://" dia/lofaa="-vorxt"360-.j-200x200pg", 200wsrcize"uk(n-width: 124px; )2100vw, 4px; /> ANTEC Vorxt" 360 ARGBoAiO Lkqu-cPU Cooler, Universal Socket, 92360-p Rienaoo=,WM Co2000RPM Fusn: ARGBooling Fan, w, Addle"sleFo RGBoLEDoLhtbog-fmth HiSuspendedoeeir-s Pumpeat d Designbuh2 ="“ANTEC Vorxt" 360 ARGBoAiO Lkqu-cPU Cooler, Universal Socket, 92360-p Rienaoo=,WM Co2000RPM Fusn: ARGBooling Fan, w, Addle"sleFo RGBoLEDoLhtbog-fmth HiSuspendedoeeir-s Pumpeat d Design” s-p bn imaddedo hoyr Praara">Addo hobast, bua>scrnd r="woocommerce-j_lp":radd_to_aaraunk-r_scribed iby_9115"lass="ukaeen i-rder-moxt":" a>> Slass="ukocommerce-noop":rduct pink-roocommerce-nolp":osduct p__nk-r"> g aldth: 2 400" ight: 2 400" c=""-symph360-.jpg",class="uktachment: -ocommerce_pammbnail=% ze--xocommerce_pammbnail=%"lt="Nu"lcorang="eaasyncsrc="t=1"ttps://" dia/lofaa="-symph360-.jpg", 400w, tps://" dia/lofaa="-symph360-.j-100x100pg", 100w, tps://" dia/lofaa="-symph360-.j-300x300pg", 300w, tps://" dia/lofaa="-symph360-.j-150x150pg", 150w, tps://" dia/lofaa="-symph360-.j-200x200pg", 200wsrcize"uk(n-width: 124px; )2100vw, 4px; /> ANTEC Symphony 360 AiO Lkqu-cPU Cooler, Universal Socket, 92360-p Rienaoo=,WM Co1600RPM oling Fan, w, Addle"sleFo RGBoLEDoLhtbog-fmth HiChrotions ARGBoLhtbog-fmPumpeat dbuh2 ="“ANTEC Symphony 360 AiO Lkqu-cPU Cooler, Universal Socket, 92360-p Rienaoo=,WM Co1600RPM oling Fan, w, Addle"sleFo RGBoLEDoLhtbog-fmth HiChrotions ARGBoLhtbog-fmPumpeat d” s-p bn imaddedo hoyr Praara">Addo hobast, bua>scrnd r="woocommerce-j_lp":radd_to_aaraunk-r_scribed iby_9107"lass="ukaeen i-rder-moxt":" a>> div> -tecld(tidth-au1-1 -cocld(tidth-au1-4@m -coid >acoowap uk-toid >argtch -coid > Ctantio Wh HiUs d/h3 < L0px; } .uk-seid >xall uk-pocld(tidth-aupand uk-teex-conotigrk-flex-comidd uk-hiid >" -coid > L0px; } .uk-sedth-auto-bk-fleirstecumn"> <="on><:ome" ;"><>snd >a>v> L0pa href=" ="_bla-r"rass="wo-flxt-ceall u 32 Load Sten 92Bewd uy, Woe-jer-hshire DY12 2ASa> iv> i> < > < L0px; } .uk-seid >xall uk-pocld(tidth-aupand uk-teex-conotigrk-flex-comidd uk-hiid >" -coid > L0px; } .uk-sedth-auto-bk-fleirstecumn"> <="on><:oreceersa;"><>snd >a>v> L0pa href="httel:+441299409070"rass="wo-flxt-ceall u 01299409070a> iv> i> < > < L0px; 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© mppyght"> m Lock Solutions" Limam d 2024. A uight">s le"viced. VAT mber"=: GB 325934883stylrong><>snd >abr />m Lock Solutions" Limam d aut mpactny regier-h d n Engld ukd ukW Ses. mpactny mber"=: 12062725stylrong><>snd >a/p iiv> L0pa ribept c="https://nua"salce"}.sysnetgcom/ptm"salce"}card/be8e7fbc4499573fe4e52dc3153f648e47cb93b89c7bf067523f21546e2a3c48/cardJstype="buxt-c/javaribept"><>sibept div> d div> div> ('stentxtnu-i', ev it => ev it.prev itDault s()); ev it.prev itDault s(); ( ev it_me":,sfunion-x (ev it) { ("keydown", sfunion-x (ev it) { sibept _="t6237a}},{"@pe="":tstItem",",gsition":":2,gemLi":{gme":":"ivessor-cooler, s mp;srp;sreat Pnks/c","@id":ttps://\/\\ op/"\}temogory\}ocessor-coolers-and-heatsinks/c\/"}},{"@pe="":tstItem",",gsition":":3,gemLi":{gme":":"OLER MASTER Hyper H412R Fan CPU Cooler, Universal Socket, 92mm PWM Cooling Fan, 4 Heat Pipes with Direct Contact Technology, Compact with High Performance"}","@id":ttps://\/\\ op/"\}ocessor-coolers-and-heatsinks/c\/oler-master-hyper-h412r-fan-cpu-cooler-universal-socket-92mm-pwm-cooling-fan-4-heat-pipes-with-direct-contact-technology-compact-with-high-performance%2\/"}}]},{"@stentxt":ttps://\/\",\/","@pe="":trduct p","@id":ttps://\/\\ op/"\}ocessor-coolers-and-heatsinks/c\/oler-master-hyper-h412r-fan-cpu-cooler-universal-socket-92mm-pwm-cooling-fan-4-heat-pipes-with-direct-contact-technology-compact-with-high-performance%2\/#pduct p","me":":"OLER MASTER Hyper H412R Fan CPU Cooler, Universal Socket, 92mm PWM Cooling Fan, 4 Heat Pipes with Direct Contact Technology, Compact with High Performance"}","url":ttps://\/\\ op/"\}ocessor-coolers-and-heatsinks/c\/oler-master-hyper-h412r-fan-cpu-cooler-universal-socket-92mm-pwm-cooling-fan-4-heat-pipes-with-direct-contact-technology-compact-with-high-performance%2\/","scribepon":":"OLMPACT d ukOLMPELLINGHYP Hyp2R FTheyper H412R Fa autb afrmadleFo, mpact-w d ukgh-p rformance%2 air oler-uhis Pi aut gateO fitorma all ukrm .fcootma ayer-m. Wh Hi4 at-ppes-w d ukrect Contact Tethnology, Cois weoutrformans emwepdedessor-coper H4TX3 rif;es. Theyectri Sof oudesign tionmize" air ow-yo hward at-ppes-w. Imwemm PWM Con-4 feurale" ardtheon-4 sed": nge-t d ukc-4 beof o|ypun": rma maximum airow-yod ukcling Farformance%2 ma ailt=" ertyion: .rformance"} oumpact wiSizeWh Hiight: f %s136.5mm,he usper H412R Fa aut mpact-w hwer oler-u,udesignedo hofito outht: fbud(ts. Wh Hiemweoutancedg Farformance%2 id=mweass=", iPi aut gateO lutions. rma Micro ATXod ukMini ITXoboards.4krect Contact TeHt-ppes-wJust likehe usper H4212, iPi ncludes 4krect Contact Teat-ppes-w ns-htrt-tedoouth cookrouno hocepttegyshe usat-p ns-ct-tn t(ehrou-p e ust="ecteat-ppes-.his filowOnssat-p hobe dissipatedoquicklyod ukefficitly:!(ehrou-pt e usfunl wishapedoaminouum f os.rfortion thiseeat Pnks/ Designoler, Mter-h's yearof %saminouum f o craftnceshipi auctis-c hone} . Oionmized f o ancet,d distce%2 betwn imea(eklay, aubasedooo anng()t=" airow-yotts}c fromur Prbels. Aaut le"t s, ev imth Hit mpact-wize: mea(ekatsinks/mth Hiiseemm PWn-4 fileFo main cinerarformance%2 idt mpact-w bud(t.Easy I-htlowion: Tl-tofe tomou an thayer-mst=sale" hs="leofe toi-htlowion: .niversal Sorent="n t(brcet,}c actempacttle@mmth Hite-dst ter-lod ukAMD cket-9PU C.rduct poNameper H412R FMe="l Nber"=RR-12R -20PK-R2U Cocket, LGA1700, LGA1200, LGA11,12 LGA11,0, LGA11,5, LGA11,6,kAM5,kAM4Dint"sn: 102 x 83.4 x 136mmat PiSks/ Dint"sn: w90 x 63.5 x 136mmat PiSks/ Me-da-llHeat Pipes wi\/krect Contact Te\/ Aminouum Fi wat PiSks/ Wght: 358gat Pipes wiDint"sn: w6mmn CPDint"sn: w92 x 92 x 25mmn CPeed":600 -n2,000 RPM (M C) \u00b1 10%n CPAirow-y34.1 CFM \u00b1 10%n CPAir Ple"sale1.79 PWH2O \u00b1 10%n CPMTTFH0,000 hr PwLEDontlo=No LEDn CPNoise Lev l29.4 dBAn CPCtantioo=4-Pinn CPRatedoVoltage12 VDCn CPRatedoCurrt="0.2 An CPSafety Currt="0.4 APhwer Ctasumpon: 2.4 WWarngety2 yearo",gege {":ttps://\/\\ dia: \/coo-rrh41220pk-lg.jpg",",gsku":tRR-12R -20PK-R2",goffsal[:[{"@pe="":tOffsa",gsri||Sctrific('n u[:[{"@pe="":tivetPri||Sctrific('n u[,gsri||":t24.57[,gsri||Currt=cy":tGBP[,grueOfAddedTaxIncluded":lse,",grueidThrou-p":t2026-R -31"}],gsri||VueidU="nl":t2026-R -31","avaibelility":ttps:/\/\",\/InSnk S","url":ttps://\/\\ op/"\}ocessor-coolers-and-heatsinks/c\/oler-master-hyper-h412r-fan-cpu-cooler-universal-socket-92mm-pwm-cooling-fan-4-heat-pipes-with-direct-contact-technology-compact-with-high-performance%2\/","selr-u":{g@pe="":tOrganiz('n u[,gme":":"m Lock Solutions" ","url":ttps://\/\"}}]}]}<>sibept L0px; } .ukoswpclrgbindex="-1" rer-="a: gy-clia-lamodal="trteclia-lahidden="trtec noL0px; } .ukoswp__siboll-tigr h n n n

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